Reitan Law Office

Experienced Guidance, Dedicated Service

Filing Your SSDI Or SSI Application

Why Hire An Attorney For Help With Your Social Security Disability Application?

Seventy percent of all initial claims for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are denied. The reason? Most people do not understand the SSD qualification process and do not adequately demonstrate their disabling conditions and limitations.

The longer it takes you to get your application approved, the longer you wait for needed disability benefits.

At Reitan Law Office, PLLC, our lawyers help clients file SSDI and SSI applications that demonstrate their disability. Engaging our services upfront will help you get the benefits you deserve in the most time-efficient manner possible.

From our offices in Mankato, Chaska and Minneapolis, we serve individuals throughout the Twin Cities and Southern Minnesota. We also serve North Dakota residents from our office in Fargo.

Qualifying For SSDI Or SSI: The Five-Step Process

The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a five-step process when evaluating Social Security Disability (SSD) claims. You must present sufficient evidence to get your claim past each stage of the review process.

  • Step one: Are you working?
  • Step two: Is your condition severe?
  • Step three: Does your disabling condition meet a prescribed listing? If not, is your disability of equal severity to a condition on the list?
  • Step four: Can you do work you previously did?
  • Step five: Can you do other types of work?

At Reitan Law Office, PLLC, we put together applications that showcase your need during every stage of review. Our goal is to get you the benefits you need, when you need them.

Three Reasons Your SSDI Or SSI Application Was Denied

Your SSDI or SSI application determines whether benefits are approved or denied. Many individuals don’t complete their applications in a way that showcases their need for benefits. Common reasons for denials include:

  1. Lack of medical information — Any notes or directions from your doctor regarding your disability and the impact it has on your ability to work should be included.
  2. Failing to plead your case — SSDI and SSI applications provide a space for claimants to explain how their disability is impacting their lives and their ability to work. Failure to take full advantage of this space is a mistake.
  3. Missing work information — List all of your work duties so the SSA can understand how your impairment impacts your ability to work.

Denied applications equal denied benefits. To avoid unnecessary delays, reach our for help with the SSDI and SSI application process.

Contact Our Minnesota And North Dakota Offices Today

To schedule your initial consultation, contact the attorneys at any of our four conveniently located offices. Call 952-448-2800 (Chaska), 507-388-1800 (Mankato), 612-424-6011 (Minneapolis) or 701-581-7854 (Fargo, North Dakota).